53946 sqft land on Kunda - Koriyasa Road, Kunda, Deoghar, Jharkhand. M-8509032866

* 21 katha (53946 sqft) land for sale on Kunda - Koriyasa Road, Kunda, Deoghar, Jharkhand 814143.
* It's location is approx +3 km from Baba Baidyanath Mandir and Deoghar Airport is approx +3 km from the plot. 
* Plot is between Baba Baidyanath Temple and Deoghar Airport. 
* 02 road touched property.
* Name of the front road is Kunda - Koriyasa Road.
* Wide of the front road is approx +40 feet.
* Main road touched frontage is 210 feet.
* Wide of the side road is approx 16 feet.
* Side road touched frontage is 175 feet.
* Saleable plot.
* Clear title plot. No any dispute.
* Boundary wall available.
* Ideal for residential apartments and any commercial purposes. 
* Priced to sale at Rs. 4000/sqft.
* Link to message me on WhatsApp.

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